Are you ready to figure out your true purpose in life?
Would you like to start working and living in a way that truly aligns with who you are?
The time to start is now!
Join me for this latest Soul Garden Party conversation with Maria Finch on her amazing podcast “Silence the Mindcluck”
(What a great show – the intro will get you dancing!)
We went down the garden path of what stops us moving towards a purpose-filled life.
If you think you may be too old… too tired (or insert any other limiting adjective)
You are not!
What you'll learn:
• How to identify and understand your inner voices (Maria calls this “Mindcluck”).
• How to soothe your inner child (a voice of fear).
• How to recognize limiting beliefs, question their truth, and shift them!
You can watch our conversation on Facebook or listen on Maria's Spreaker page